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Rum Nation Guatemala Gran Reserva

Rum nation’s Guatemala Gran Reserva is rum from molasses, aged in white oak ex-bourbon casks for at least 4 years in one of the hottest and most humid areas of Guatemala, is easy to drink, with fragrant notes of vanilla and raisins.

Tasting Notes :

Appearance : chestnut honey

Nose: Flowery, delicate, with the typical perfume of cane sugar, and a hint of buttery character. Dates, raisins, orange rind.

Palate: Easy, velvety, warm. Sweet but not syrupy, with notes of vanilla, cola, raisins. Creme brulee, and a final herbal touch like vermouth, with a hint of orange rind, anise and liquorice.

Finish: Getting more tannic and toasted, with the herbal note and some black pepper coming to the fore. Delicate final burst of warmth.

Land: Guatemala

Distillery : unknown

Bottler: Rum Nation

Alcohol by volume : 40%


Rum Nation Guatemala Gran Reserva 70cl 40%
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